Mapping of adaptive governance schemes
This toolkit provides an innovative and collaborative semi-empirical methodological approach to help practitioners ‘map’ their Disaster Risk Management governance, leading to the development of interactive Organigraphs. This toolkit is aimed directly at practitioners and experts working with Disaster Risk Management and Cultural Heritage related capacities and attempts to provide them with an innovative and collaborative methodological approach to map their Disaster Risk Management governance structures. As well as establish an interactive tool to stimulate meaningful dialogue about how to enhance Disaster Risk Management governance structures and better integrate Cultural Heritage experts.
Deliverable D6.3 Toolkit for Cultural Heritage Stakeholders to Map Governance Structures using the Organigraph technique.
Scientific paper: Durrant, L.J.; Vadher, A.N.; Sarač, M.; Başoğlu, D.; Teller, J. Using Organigraphs to Map Disaster Risk Management Governance in the Field of Cultural Heritage. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1002.